"A suburban bus driver is charged with DUI after police say she was driving school children with a blood alcohol almost three times above the legal limit."
My Story
It was the drive from hell, her morning route. She picked up her first kid at 8:05 am and he came running up the steps and headed to the back of the bus. It was then that she noticed he had left footprints, greasy black ones, throughout the bus that could have only been one thing. But she had a schedule to meet and only had time to grab some napkins from her lunch bag and wipe up the biggest smudges, and god did it smell. She would have vomited, but then the school bus would have smelled even worse. These she tossed out the window and tried to keep her breakfast down.
At the next stop a long line of children were waiting. As they boarded, several made comments like, "Man this bus stinks, it smells like shit." She certainly had learned to change her view of these sweet little five to ten year old children. No longer did she think of them as darlings, but rather sophisticated little mini-adults with filthy mouths only their mothers could love.
At the next stop were three more kids, including the mother that always accompanied her child onto the bus to her seat. Overprotectiveness was fine, but this mother just pushed it to an extreme. She wouldn't get off the bus until she was absolutlely sure her child was comfortable. And she didn't miss the little comment about how they should clean the buses more frequently.
At the next stop... boy she was saying that a lot, is that what her life had come down to? The next stop, and the next stop? But this stop was special. This stop had the little boy who always showed her love. "Hey Mrs. Bus Driver, you're even uglier today. And geez, you smell like dog shit too."
She clenched her teeth as her tongue went through the motions of 'STFU you little fat assed tub of lard.' Never be confrontational with the children they had said during the training. Honestly, one little slap across the face would do these brats wonders.
At the next stop, a car ran past her flashing red lights. She was watching the child board and didn't have a chance to catch the license plate. As much as she was starting to loathe these kids, she wouldn't wish on them getting hit by a car.
At the next stop... she didn't want to stop. These were the fifth graders whose highpoint of the day was to torment her.
"Hey, BD," one called to her as he sat down. "I got a riddle for ya. What gets longer When pulled, fits between your boobs,
inserts neatly in a hole and works best When given a tug?"
She ignored him.
"A seatbelt. Why, what were you thinking? Ha ha!"
"I thought it was a dick," his seatmate laughed.
"What's a dick?" someone called out.
"You're a dick!" came a reply.
Suddenly the bus broke out in squeals and screams as everyone started to call each other a dick or a boob. It didn't die down until they got to the next stop where they picked up even more kids.
"This bus stinks like dog poo," someone called out.
"Ew, I think I'm going to throw up."
"You are throw up."
"No really, the smell is making me- making me... bleach! Gurgle, gurgle."
"Ew gross!" someone shouted out as they arrived at the school, "he really did throw up!"
She opened the doors and the kids filed out. Even the one who threw up. She walked back five rows and saw the puddle. Great, she would have to drive somewhere to get something to clean it up, plus clean the walkway and steps from the original foot prints. The didn't pay her enough to do all this.
Maybe on her way home she would forget to turn the flashing lights on.
She drove the bus to the local pharmacy to get some cleaning supplies, cleaner and paper towells. She bought some Mr. Clean and noticed one of the active ingrediants was alcohol. So was it any wonder after she cleaned the bus that she walked over to the liquor store next door and got a half pint of vodka? She needed it to clean all those memories out of her mind somehow. And apparently, it took quite a lot.
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